Call for intervention projects

The 1st round of the ongoing call for intervention projects under the Active Citizens – Regional programme ran from September 7th to December 30th, 2021. During this time, 195 project proposals were received, 20 of which received funding. The 2nd round of the call is planned between the 3rd quarter of 2022 and the 2nd quarter of 2023.
The objective behind the call for intervention projects is to fund activities which constitute a rapid civic response to crisis situations identified by Applicants, i.e. a sudden change in the social situation or growing problems affecting a specific target group. The planned intervention should respond to specific, urgent problems and provide solutions which are implementable within three (3) to eight (8) months.
These projects must also be aligned with one of the Programme’s three thematic support areas, corresponding with the Programme’s thematic outcomes:
- Increased support for human rights,
- Vulnerable groups are empowered,
- Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness.
The call for intervention projects will prioritise projects concerning the special focus areas defined for the Programme, i.e.
In Area 1:
- Actions involving migrants and refugees,
- Actions supporting LGBT+ persons,
- Anti-discrimination actions.
In Area 2:
- Counteracting domestic violence
In Area 3:
- Watchdog activity
- Ensuring residents participation in policy-making at local level
In content-based evaluation, we will award additional points if a substantial part of a project is aligned with a special focus area.
There is one type of quick response (intervention) grants available:
- minimum grant amount: EUR 6,000,
- maximum grant amount: EUR 15,000,
- implementation period: 3 to 8 months,
- co-financing: optional,
- Applicants may apply for additional funding towards bilateral cooperation with Donor State entities: up to 15% of the basic grant amount (up to EUR 2,250).
The Operator reserves the right to reallocate funds between rounds.
Summary of the 1st round of the ongoing call for intervention projects
The 1st round of the ongoing call for intervention projects under the Active Citizens – Regional programme ran from September 7th to December 30th, 2021. During this time, 195 project proposals were received.
Project proposals were received and evaluated on an ongoing basis:
- 1st deadline: 7-20.09.2021 – 27 project proposals were received, all of them met eligibility criteria, 6 grants were awarded;
- 2nd deadline: 21.09-20.10.2021 – 46 project proposals were received, all of them met eligibility criteria, 6 grants were awarded;
- 3th deadline: 21.10-20.11.2021 – 49 out of 53 project proposals met eligibility criteria, 3 grants were awarded;
- 4th deadline: 21.11-20.12.2021 – 28 project proposals were received, all of them met eligibility criteria, 3 grants were awarded;
- 5. deadline: 21-30.12.2021 until 12:00 noon – 34 out of 41 project proposals met eligibility criteria, 2 grants were awarded.
These projects had also to be aligned with one of the Programme’s three thematic support areas, corresponding with the Programme’s thematic outcomes:
- Increased support for human rights (79 project proposals received, 9 grants awarded for a total amount of 134,838.45 EUR);
- Vulnerable groups are empowered (56 project proposals received, 5 grants awarded for a total amount of EUR 67 949.18),
- Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness (60 project proposals received, 6 grants awarded for a total amount of EUR 89 805.76).
Details and protocols
Results of the call for intervention projects (proposals submitted until September 20th)
Results of the call for intervention projects (proposals submitted by 20 October)
Results of the call for intervention projects (proposals submitted by 20 November)
Results of the call for intervention projects (proposals submitted by 20 December)
Results of the call for intervention projects (proposals submitted by 30 December)
The Operator of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme (ACF Regional, ACFR), i.e. the consortium made up of the Foundation in Support for Local Democracy (leader), the Education for Democracy Foundation, and the Information Society Development Foundation, issues the ongoing call for intervention projects. The Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants.
The total allocation earmarked for quick response (intervention) grants is EUR 542,070, of which EUR 216,828 is allotted to the first round, and EUR 325,242 to the second round.
The Operator reserves the right to reallocate funds between rounds.
Due to the ongoing application and evaluation process, the available financial allocation could be exhausted before the deadline.
The following amounts are allotted to particular support areas corresponding to the Program’s outcomes:
- Outcome 1. Increased support for human rights: EUR 235,665,
- Outcome 2. Vulnerable groups are empowered: EUR 78,555,
- Outcome 3. Strengthened democratic culture and civic awareness: EUR 227,850.
All grant applications should contribute to achieving the planned Programme outcomes.
The Programme supports projects implemented across Poland. However, activities cannot take place in the city of Warsaw and the projects beneficiaries cannot be based in Warsaw (though project promoters can be based in Warsaw).
The criteria for selection are, thus, as follows: total score given by experts and allocation for outcomes incl. special focus areas.
The total allocation for the call for intervention projects covers all Poland, and is not divided by region.
The prerequisite condition to obtain the grant is receiving from evaluating experts a score equal to or exceeding 75% of the total possible score. Nonetheless, the limited total allocation amount will not allow for funding all project applications awarded a score above this threshold.
The Operator reserves the right to amend call rules before the second round.
Applications deadline:
You can submit intervention project applications on an ongoing basis, in two rounds:
- first round: from 12.00 (noon) CET on 07 September 2021 (Tuesday) to 12.00 (noon) CET on 30 December 2021 (Thursday),
- second round: Q3 2022–Q2 2023.
Applications will only be accepted via the Electronic Grant Application and Management System (EGAMS), available at:
Attachments (in Polish unless stated otherwise):
02. Project Outline Form, with Guidelines for quick response (intervention) grants – PDF
02. Project Outline Form, with Guidelines for quick response (intervention) grants – DOC
03. Instructions for use of EGAMS – PDF
04. Communication plan outline form with guidelines – PDF
04. Communication plan outline form with guidelines – DOC
06. Project Outline Content-related Evaluation Sheet for quick response (intervention) grants – PDF
07. Project Contract Template –DOC (corrected on 03.12.2021)
08. Requirements for a Partnership Agreement between a Project Promoter and Partner – PDF
09. Partnership Contract Template – Polish legal entities (PL) – PDF
09. Partnership Contract Template – Polish legal entities (PL) – DOC
10. Partnership Contract Template – international legal entities (ENG) – PDF
10. Partnership Contract Template – international legal entities (ENG) – DOC
11. Declaration of Partnership Template (PL) – PDF
11. Declaration of Partnership Template (PL) – DOC
12. Declaration of Partnership Template (ENG) – PDF
12. Declaration of Partnership Template (ENG) – DOC
14. EGAMS address: