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Call for organisational grants


The call for proposals for organisational grants under the Active Citizens – Regional Programme was announced on 7 April 2022. It ran from 27 April to 7 June 2022. 87 applications have been submitted in the call. 81 applications passed the administrative and eligibility check and were sent for content-related evaluation.

The content-related evaluation consisted of two stages: the assessment of the application and online interviews with the representatives of the Applicants. The interviews were conducted by independent experts and persons representing the team of the Active Citizens – Regional Programme. Their aim was to deepen/verify the information contained in the application and annexes. The interviews were evaluated according to the criteria included in the evaluation sheet. The applications of 32 organisations proceeded to the 2nd stage of the content-related evaluation, and their representatives were interviewed in the second half of July and early August 2022.

The Executive Committee, based on the recommendations of the Expert Committee, have decided to award 16 organisational grants to Applicants whose applications received the highest number of points. 4 more applications were on the waiting list.

Following the Financial Mechanism Office in Brussels’ permission to increase the amount of funding allocated for organisational grants, and due to savings in the Programme’s Area 4 (under which the call is held), the Executive Committee decided to award 3 more grants. In total, 19 Applicants will receive organisational grants. The total amount of funds awarded to organisations is 1 846 340 EUR from the Norwegian Funds under Area 4. Supporting the Development of the Civic Sector.

Further information:

Lists of applications and minutes

What are organisational grants?

Organisational grants aim to support the day-to-day operations (and capacity building) of CSOs, as set forth in the submitted development strategy/plans, including the evaluation and monitoring plans. Operations funded from organisational grants should be aligned with at least one of the ACF-Regional outcomes. This means that these activities or initiatives should:

  • conform with the work plan of the organisation (applicant), e.g. reach out to specific target groups, establish and expand cooperation (also by supporting the CSO sector), and facilitate change in local communities,
  • strive to strengthen the organisation’s (applicant’s) internal structure by investing in staff skills, image building and improving infrastructure.

Grants are only available for entities that meet the following requirements:

  • Applicant must be a non-governmental organisation whose objectives include at least one of the ACF-Regional outcomes (Human rights protection, including gender equality; Promoting social diversity and preventing exclusion; Building democratic culture and civic engagement at local level, including activism for environment and climate change; Supporting the development of the civic sector);
  • Applicants must submit a multiannual development strategy/plan (min. for years 2022-2024);
  • Applicant must have generated average annual turnover of at least PLN 500,000 per annum in a period of 3 full fiscal years selected from the 5 years preceding the call;
  • Applicants must be registered with the National Court Register (KRS), entered into the register of ordinary associations or the register of Rural Housewives Circles maintained by the President of the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture (ARiMR);
  • Applicants are capable of presenting prior to signing the grant agreement their financial statement (the balance sheet, the profit and loss statement, the notes) for year 2021;
  • Applicants are not dependent on local, regional and central authorities, public entities, political parties and for-profit entities;
    They do not seek to generate profit, and – if they pursue business activity – any profit made is allocated to achieving their statutory goals;
  • No application for declaring bankruptcy has been filed against the Applicant, the Applicant is not in liquidation or receivership, has not suspended activity and there are no similar proceedings pending against the Applicant;
  • They are not in arrears with public-law payments due to the Tax Office (US) or Social Insurance Institution (ZUS);
  • No governing body member has been convicted or charged of an intentional crime prosecuted by public indictment or a tax offence;
  • Applicants respect human rights and are guided in their activity by public interest and democratic values, in particular the universal values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule or law and the protection of human and minority rights;
  • They will refrain from using the grant and co-financing (if applicable) for religious practices or leading a religious cult (including proselytising and spreading faith), political party activity or election campaigns, or business or for-profit activity.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS (as of 7 April 2022)

The Operator of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme, i.e. the consortium made up of the Foundation in Support for Local Democracy (leader), Education for Democracy Foundation, and the Information Society Development Foundation, launches the call for proposals for organisational grants. The Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme is financed by Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein from the EEA and Norway Funds.

The organisational grants budget of the call is EUR 1,600,000, coming from Norway Grants.

There is one type of organisational grants available:

  • Minimum grant amount: EUR 85,000,
  • Maximum grant amount: EUR 100,000,
  • Grant implementation period: between 18 and 20 months,
  • Co-financing: facultative,
  • Applicant must submit a multiannual strategy/development plan (min. for years 2022-2024),
  • Applicant must have generated average annual turnover of at least PLN 500,000 per annum in a period of 3 full fiscal years selected from the 5 years preceding the call.

Applications can only be submitted by the Electronic Grant Application and Management System (EGAMS), hereinafter referred to as the “Generator”, available at:

No partnership projects are accepted. This applies to Polish and international partnerships alike.

A single organisation may submit only one application in the call for organisational grants. Organisations can apply for an organisational grant even if they have already received or applied for grants in previous calls (for thematic or intervention projects) organised by the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme.

One organisation can receive an organisational grant only from one AOFR competition for organisational grants: either organised by the Active Citizens Fund – National Programme or the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme. The ACF-Regional Operator reserves the right to not sign a grant agreement under this call with an Applicant that has been already awarded an organisational grant by the ACF-National.

Applications timeline:

  • from 27 April 2022 (Wednesday) from 12.00 (noon) CET to 7 June2022 (Tuesday) up until 12.00 (noon) CET.

Announcement of call results:

  • administrative and eligibility evaluation of applications: 15 June 2022,
  • first stage of content-related evaluation and information on invitations for interviews: 11 July 2022,
  • two-stage content-related evaluation of applications: 12 August 2022.

Full version of the call for proposals

Attachments (in Polish unless stated otherwise):