Bilateral cooperation

Fostering bilateral cooperation between Poland and the Donor States of the EEA Grants – Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom Norway, is one of the important goals of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional programme. This is why we especially encourage our Polish Applicants to establish project partnerships with entities from those three countries.
To further bilateral cooperation within the Programme we:
- organise networking meetings and provide support to Polish CSOs looking for international project partners (for example by organizing “introductory” visits to the Donor States);
- publish materials and carry out awareness-raising activities for entities from Poland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to better understand the context of CSO activity in partner countries;
- offer opportunities to take part in study visits to Poland and the Donor States to foster experience-sharing and discovering practices and solutions used in these countries in the Programme thematic areas.
We will inform about all bilateral activities and opportunities to participate in them on the Programme website and in our social media channels.
Project partnerships with entities from the Donor States
In all calls for proposals within the Programme we welcome partnerships of Polish organizations with entities from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Partners must share project values, actively participate in project preparation and implementation, and comply with the formal and legal requirements of the Programme.
Applicants who will prepare projects in partnership with entities from the Donor States may apply for additional funds (additional to the basic grant amount) to cover the costs of Partner participation and bilateral cooperation in the project. This additional amount is not dependent on the number of Partners from the Donor States and may amount to:
- for small grants: up to 15% of the basic grant amount, and no more than EUR 3,450,
- for large grants: up to 15% of the basic grant amount, and no more than EUR 12,600.
ATTENTION: The above-mentioned limits for additional funds for bilateral cooperation do not exclude the possibility of financing more bilateral cooperation activities from the basic grant amount.
The general rules for bilateral partnerships:
- Eligible for being a partner to a project within bilateral partnerships are non-governmental organisations, public and private entities, non-profit and for-profit entities based in Iceland, Liechtenstein or Norway.
- There is no limit to the number of partners involved in one project. Any entity from one of the Donor States can be a partner to any number or projects within one call.
- The involvement of Partners, their roles and tasks, must be confirmed in a written declaration. This document is required already at the stage of application submission. Once a grant is awarded, a partner agreement must be signed before the grant agreement is concluded. Both declaration of partnership and partnership agreement between Polish and Donor State entities have to be written in English.
- All actions of a partner within the project have to be non-profit in character and cannot have a form of a purchase of good or services. It is not permitted to settle these costs on the basis of invoices – only on the basis on an accounting note.
- Additional funds for bilateral cooperation can cover:
– personnel costs and indirect costs of the Partner,
– project activities realized in the Partner’s state,
– travel costs,
– expenses related to Partner’s expertise used in the project.
- a leaflet on the Active Citizens Fund – Regional programme in English,
- an article on the non-governmental sector in Poland (in English).
If you are interested in looking for a Polish partner, contact Ewa Stokłuska – bilateral and regional cooperation coordinator in the ACF-Regional programme, at or (+48) 720 801 013.
The Donor States contact points for the Active Citizens Fund:
- Iceland: Icelandic Human Rights Centre (Mannréttindaskrifstofu Íslands) – Margrét Steinarsdóttir,,
- Norway: Norwegian Helsinki Committee (Den norske Helsingforskomité) – Csilla Czimbalmos,