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1st thematic call (closed)

The first thematic call for proposals within Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme was announced on March 17, 2021. The deadline for submitting project proposals was May 17, 2021. Under the call, a total of 716 grant applications were submitted, including 345 for large grants and 371 for small grants. The call results were published on September 30, 2021. According to the results, by the decision of the Executive Committee, based on the recommendations of the Expert Committee, we have awarded grants for the implementation of 172 projects: 96 large ones and 76 small ones. 10 large grants and 7 small ones were placed on the waiting list. In addition, the Executive Committee decided to award grants to three proposals from the waiting listIn total, we have awarded grants for the implementation of 175 projects: 99 large ones and 76 small ones. However, six project contracts have not been concluded. Therefore, there are 169 projects on the list of proposals after content-related evaluation: 97 large ones and 72 small ones. 7 large grants and 7 small ones are on the waiting list.

Non-governmental organizations, which independently or in partnership prepared a project in one of the three areas of the Programme were invited to submit their proposals. The organizations which submitted proposals in areas 1-3 could also apply for additional support for the development and capacity building of their organization. Potential applicants, i.e. entities eligible to apply independently or as leaders of partnerships applying for grants, included:

  • associations, foundations and unions of associations;
  • social cooperatives;
  • non-profit companies;
  • rural housewives’ clubs;
  • faith-based organizations, provided the objectives listed in their memorandums of association include public benefit activity, they are registered with the National Court Register (KRS) and they may incur liabilities on their own behalf.


The total allocation earmarked for grants in the first call was 11,955,000 EUR, with the following amounts allotted to particular support areas:

  • Area 1. Human rights protection (including gender equality): 2,850,000 EUR,
  • Area 2. Promoting social diversity and preventing exclusion: 2,950,000 EUR,
  • Area 3. Building democratic culture and civic engagement at local level (including activism for environment and climate change): 4,155,000 EUR,
    Area 4. Supporting the development of civic sector (implemented as additional module in Area 1–3 projects): 2,000,000 EUR.


The invitation to submit project proposals under the first thematic call for proposals (including the full text of the announcement with attachments) can be found here.

Detailed information on the number of proposals submitted in first call can be found here:

The summing up of the 1st call with the results of the call is available here: Results of the call (as of 9/30/2021)

See also: 

Call results

The results of the administrative and eligibility check were published on June 10, 2021. 305 applications for large grants and 352 applications for small grants met eligibility criteria and were sent for content-related evaluation.

Results of the administrative and eligibility check are available under this link.

32 Applicants appealed the results of administrative and eligibility check. After considering the appeals, 7 additional project proposals were approved for content-related evaluation. The results of the appeal procedure can be found here.

The results of content-related evaluation were published on September 30, 2021. By the decision of the Executive Committee, based on the recommendations of the Expert Committee, we have awarded grants for the implementation of 172 projects: 96 large ones and 76 small ones. 10 large grants and 7 small ones were placed on the waiting list.

Detailed information and lists of proposals after content-related evaluation (as of September 30, 2021) can be found here.

In addition, the Programme Executive Committee decided to award funding to three proposals from the waiting list  Taking into account the latest decisions of the Executive Committee, we have awarded grants for the implementation of 175 projects: 99 large ones and 76 small ones.
However, three project contracts have not been concluded. Therefore, there are currently 172 projects on the list of proposals after content-related evaluation: 98 large ones and 74 small ones. 7 large grants and 7 small ones are on the waiting list. Updated results of the call can be found here:

In the process of signing contracts after 30 November, 2021, a further 3 contracts were not signed, which means that finally we have awarded grants for the implementation of 169 projects: 97 large ones and 72 small ones.

Updated lists and minutes (as of January, 2024)

Attachments (in Polish unless stated otherwise):

1. Manual for Applicants and Project Promoters of Active Citizens – Regional Fund. Calls for thematic projects. Part 1: Conditions for participation in calls for proposals and rules for projects implementation (corrected, April 2021) – PDF

01. Manual for Applicants and Project Promoters of Active Citizens – Regional Fund. Part 2: Areas of support and special focus projects (corrected, April 2021) – PDF

02. Project Outline Form, with Guidelines for large grants – PDF

02. Project Outline Form, with Guidelines for large grants – DOC 

03. Project Outline Form, with Guidelines for small grants – PDF

03. Project Outline Form, with Guidelines for small grants – DOC

04. Instructions for use of EGAMS – PDF

05. Communication plan outline form with guidelines – PDF

05. Communication plan outline form with guidelines – DOC

06. Project Outline Administrative and Eligibility Evaluation Sheet for small/large grants – PDF

07. Project Outline Content-related Evaluation Sheet for large grants – PDF (corrected version, 13.05)

08. Project Outline Content-related Evaluation Sheet for small grants – PDF (corrected version, 13.05)

09. Project Contract Template – DOC (corrected version, 03.12.2021)

09. Project Contract Template with Capacity Building – DOC (corrected version,  03.12.2021)

10. Requirements for a Partnership Agreement between a Project Promoter and Partner – PDF

11. Partnership contract Template – polish legal entities (PL) – PDF

11. Partnership contract Template – polish legal entities (PL) – DOC

12. Partnership contract Template – international legal entities (EN) – PDF

12. Partnership contract Template – international legal entities (EN) – DOC

13. Declaration of Partnership Template (PL) – PDF

13. Declaration of Partnership Template (PL) – DOC

14. Declaration of Partnership Template (PL/EN) – PDF

14. Declaration of Partnership Template (PL/EN) – DOC

15. Programme logotypes – ZIP

16. EGAMS address

17. Budget planning tool – XLS (corrected version, 29.03)

18. ACFR Results Framework – PDF