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Agile management in an NGO

On 19 May, 2022, we held a webinar on agile management in non-government organisations. The recording is now available to watch.

Modern management methodologies, i.e. agile management can be useful when creating a strategy / development plan for an organisation, which is required when applying for organisational grants under the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme. From the recording you will learn, among other things:

  • what agile management is,
  • how you can prepare for a possible change in the way you manage your organisation,
  • what are the possibilities of translating this method into the work of NGOs,
  • what to consider when choosing management methods for your organisation.


The presentation was given by Anna Stokowska – graduated in sociology and art history at the Interdisciplinary Individual Studies in the Humanities of the University of Warsaw, as well as the Centre for Social Studies and the School of Social Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Scholarship holder at the Central European University in Budapest. She coordinated educational projects at the Center for Citizenship Education and the Digital Centre Project: Poland. She was an expert in social research conducted by the Institute of Public Affairs, and at the Batory Foundation she dealt with conflict of interest in public administration. She was a mentor in e-learning courses for teachers and an author of educational materials on new technologies and the role of games in education. At the Katalyst Education, she promotes the approach that people work best when they do what they love. She is the Team Leader of Katalyst and Scrum Master of the Foundation’s development team.

The webinar was hosted by Agnieszka Koszowska – project coordinator at the Information Society Development Foundation, member of the communication team of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme.

Watch the recording. Duration: 01:25:47

Recording in Polish with translation into the Polish Sign Language and closed captions.

00:00:00-00:06:09: Welcome, introduction
00:06:10-00:55:18: Part 1: What is agile?
00:55:19-01:03:57: Part 2. Is agile for NGOs?
01:03:58-01:10:06: Part 3: How to prepare for transformation?
01:10:07-01:25:47: Questions and answers

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