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Diverse community, diverse team, inclusive organisation – recordings of webinars

Diverse community, diverse team, inclusive organisation – recordings of webinars

What is diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in a non-government organisation? How do we prevent discrimination and how do we respond to it if it does occur? How do we ensure accessibility of our activities, including for people with disabilities? We held a series of webinars introducing the idea of DEI to non-governmental organisations. The recordings are available to watch.


The topics of social diversity, inclusion, equity or anti-exclusion have been present in the NGO sector for a long time. Organisations active in these areas often specialise in working with specific groups, advocating for them in their community. Of course, many organisations have been set up to pursue other, no less important, objectives and the topic of diversity does not seem to concern them on a daily basis.

DEI is an approach that is gaining popularity across sectors because it has solid benefits. Research conducted in the business sector points out that broadly defined social diversity can be an important factor in strengthening an organisation and supporting its growth. Teams and organisations that are diverse, yet fair and inclusive, are more creative and able to respond to the challenges and needs of different groups of beneficiaries. What is important is that new and talented people are more likely to join such teams and stay for longer.

Regardless of what thematic areas you are dealing with and who your beneficiaries are, we encourage you to look at diversity as a potential in your communities and teams. This potential is already present, although it is not always visible at first glance. Our webinars will provide an introduction to the topic of DEI and they will suggest you how to increase inclusivity and social justice in your workplace and organisational operations, while responding to challenges related to the topic of diversity.

We encourage you to watch the webinars recordings and make use of accompanying materials. The recordings are in Polish with translation into the Polish Sign Language and with closed captions.

For whom?

The series is addressed to representatives of NGOs, whether they are managers or part of teams. However, we are convinced that the series of webinars will be also interesting and useful for people representing other organisations and institutions.

Webinar: DEI in NGOs – why is it worth doing it and where to start?

Speaker: Martyna Markiewicz – trainer, member of the Board of Ashoka in Poland, a DEI leader at the European level of Ashoka. 

During the webinar we discussed the following topics:

  • what DEI is in the workplace and in the organisation’s activities,
  • what benefits this approach brings to the organisation,
  • where to start and what specific steps are worth taking.

Watch the recording of ‘DEI in NGOs – why is it worth doing it and where to start?’.

Webinar: Anti-discrimination standards in an NGO

Speaker: Karolina Kędziora – legal adviser, president of the Polish Society of Anti-Discrimination Law, certified anti-discrimination trainer.

During the webinar we discussed the following topics:

  • sources of discrimination,
  • legal protection against discrimination,
  • how to combat discrimination effectively.

Watch the recording of  ‘Anti-discrimination standards in an NGO’.

Webinar: Accessibility standards in an NGO

Speaker: Anna Żórawska – President of the Kultura bez Barier Foundation, trainer and co-author of documents and guides on accessibility.

During the webinar we discussed the following topics:

  • what accessibility is,
    the different dimensions of accessibility in NGOs,
    concrete steps to be taken by the organisation.

Watch the recording of ‘Accessibility standards in an NGO’.


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