In this project we would like to increase civic participation of young people from the city of Siemianowice Śląskie. The project aims at involving the representatives of local institutions and young inhabitants of the city in the diagnosis of problems and the development areas of the city and in civic activities. The ‘Programme for Youth’ developed in the Silesia Region emphasises that the development of society is closely related to the public activity of young people, but at the same time the programme reveals that the public activity of young people does not exceed 20%. In Siemianowice Śląskie we conducted research with the participation of 120 people aged 16-25, representatives of the psychological-educational counselling centre, the City’s Social Care Centre, the Education Department of the City Hall, as well as school pedagogues and psychologists. The research has shown that only 16% of young people declare above-standard public activity outside their peer circles, 68% of which limits it to electronic communication. Direct beneficiaries of the project are 24 young people, aged 16 to 25, living, learning or involved in local activities in the city of Siemianowice Śląskie. They form 3 groups of Youth Leaders of Change in Siemianowice. Young people gain key competences that are necessary in conducting civic activities by means of modern forms of communication, involving youth, and carried out in partnership with local institutions.