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Youth Civic Compass

Project Promoter: Stowarzyszenie Rozprawy o Europie
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 28 048,00 EUR
Gmina Starachowice
Nansen dijalog centar (Croatia)
Duration time: 31.12.2021 -30.12.2022

The project aims to strengthen the potential of the Youth Municipal Council in the Starachowice Municipality, as well as to activate young people and make them more integrated with the local community. We help residents acquire knowledge and skills that are nowadays crucial in personal and social development. We carry out social campaigns, organise meetings with residents, civic debates and a series of training sessions in the areas of environmental, media, civic and intercultural education. Furthermore, we hold a meeting for the Youth Municipal Council aimed at establishing the Council’s vision, goals and a plan of activities to carry out jointly with the mayor and councillors. During this event, young people develop soft skills, including teamwork and meetings facilitation. In order to exchange good practices, we invited, as a partner, an organisation from Croatia with a lot of experience in conducting civic and intercultural education. The partner of the project is also the local government of the Starachowice Municipality. Thanks to our local and international partners, we will be more effective in engaging young people in actions to be taken in the local community and better integrate various social groups, including those at risk of social exclusion (such as seniors, people with disabilities, Ukrainian citizens, young people struggling with social, language or health problems, etc.). The project involves decision-makers at various levels, from local to European, who will debate with young people and help them draw up their demands. We will also invite people representing science and the NGOs. The recommendations and demands developed during the project will be passed on to decision-makers at local, national and European levels.