The aim of the project is to strengthen civic participation and to increase the direct involvement of young and adult residents in local decisions regarding adaptation to climate change. We are implementing the project in municipalities located in the Central Oder Valley. There is a threat of water scarcity and the loss of biodiversity in this area, that affects also the most valuable riparian forest habitat. The threat is related to plans to build water steps on the Oder River, between the Lubiąż village and the town of Nowa Sól. According to scientists, water scarcity is already occurring and will be a major problem caused by both climate change and the poor state of water management in Poland.
In this project, we draw the attention of local communities to how they can increase the resilience of the local environment and protect water resources and biodiversity. We prepare young people to carry out a water resources diagnosis, involve residents in discussion and prepare petitions to local decision-makers. We demonstrate the use of small-scale retention by implementing grassroots initiatives such as rainwater beds, rain gardens or green zones. We conduct training and webinars. We will organise a Youth Climate Camp and a conference in cooperation with the “”Time for the Oder”” Coalition. The project’s results will be the increase in the residents’ involvement in shaping local policies and in their sense of empowerment. The project will involve 160 people from 8 municipalities. Our information activities disseminating the good practices of the project will reach approximately 20,000 recipients. The project partner is the ‘pro Natura’ Foundation. The Foundation runs a social reserve in the Łacha Valley close to the Oder River, implements active protection projects, conducts educational activities and research. It also has an Education Centre for the organisation of workshops.