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YES for human rights

Project Promoter: Fundacja OKNO NA WSCHÓD
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 102 085,71 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 01.12.2021-30.04.2023

In recent years, there has been a large increase in the number of people coming to Poland from the former Soviet Union countries. Our Foundation has 10 years of experience in working with foreigners, but since autumn 2020 we have been operating in a completely new reality. The work we do consists primarily of providing support to political refugees. The urgent needs of such people are to find accommodation and employment and to obtain international protection. People in a migrant situation are most often not familiar with the Polish language or procedures, and do not know their rights, which makes them particularly vulnerable to abuse, discrimination and human rights violations. In addition, there is no organisation in the Podlaskie Province dealing with advocacy or mediation activities with authorities, offices, employers and service providers for people in a migration situation. Such persons do not know where they can ask for help in case their rights are violated. The aim of the project is to counteract human rights violations, discrimination and unequal treatment of people in a migrant situation in the relationship: immigrant – the state (authority, education, health, welfare etc.), immigrant – employer, and immigrant – service provider. We will conduct advocacy and mediation activities (minimum 60 cases). We will provide legal support to migrant persons (170 hours of support). We will run an information hotline (17 months). Thanks to the NGO agreement on protection of human rights of people in migration situation in the Podlaskie Province, we will establish or strengthen cooperation with NGOs in the field of protection of human rights and prevention of discrimination. The main beneficiaries of the project are Russian-speaking people in a migration situation in Poland (no less than 300 persons) and NGOs in the Podlaskie Province.