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We live together – We act together!

Project Promoter: Fundacja Aktywności Obywatelskiej
Proposal: 2nd thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 95 772,15 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 01.11.2022-31.03.2024

The problem addressed by this project is low social trust and insufficient engagement in activities for the common good among residents of the Biłgoraj, Zamość and Lublin counties in the Lublin Province. Trust in other people is treated by most researchers as the foundation of social capital. Its lack has a negative impact on the quality of social relations. Cooperation is hindered, social ties are weak, there is a lack of respect for other people and for the common good, and people withdraw from social life. According to studies ‘Social Diagnosis 2020’ and ‘Social trust’ (2020), the level of trust of Poles is among the lowest in Europe. A high “caution towards most people” was declared by 76% of respondents. In addition, the phenomenon of trusting only ‘our people’ is a major challenge in the current situation of the influx of refugees from Ukraine to Poland.

Therefore, in this project we want to contribute to an increase in the residents’ public engagement, based on trust and the ability to cooperate despite differences in world views, values, backgrounds and other factors influencing social diversity. We implement the project in the Biłgoraj, Zamość and Lublin counties in the Lublin Province. We conduct workshops for local leaders, carry out community participation rallies, local initiatives and promotional activities. The direct beneficiaries of the project are local activists, community workers from non-governmental organisations, local institutions (schools, cultural centres) and informal groups, as well as people with the potential for greater activity, who will assist in the implementation of local initiatives by forming 3-person initiative groups.