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“UNDERSTAND=RESPECT”: The Educational Programme Preventing Radicalisation leading to Discrimination and Hate Speech

Project Promoter: Stowarzyszenie Polska Platforma Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 20 906,00 EUR
Partners: I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Tadeusza Kościuszki w Gorzowie
Duration time: 1.10.2021-30.06.2022

Within the project, we implement a pilot educational programme aimed at preventing radicalisation leading to discrimination and hate speech. The programme will promote behaviour free from all forms of radicalisation, discrimination and hate speech among students and teachers of the High School No. 1 in Gorzów Wielkopolski, parents and in the local community. The need for the project stems from a needs diagnosis on the prevention of radicalisation carried out among students and teachers in 2020. As many as 54% of teachers and 39% of students participating in the survey confirmed the occurrence of behaviour involving hate speech, manifestations of discrimination and other radical attitudes at school. As part of the project we conduct a series of workshops and meetings dedicated to of radicalisation processes leading to discrimination and hate speech, including the legal and social consequences of hate crimes. We engage the participants in a discussion on social polarisation resulting in intolerance of differences. We conduct workshops to develop life skills, such as coping with stress and aggression, or building self-control. We hold a photography competition for young people, motivating them to develop their hobbies. As a result of the project, the participants of educational activities will gain knowledge about social polarisation and radicalisation processes leading to discrimination and hate speech, develop their psychosocial skills and interests. The project is implemented by the Polish Platform for Homeland Security in cooperation with the High School No. 1 in Gorzów Wielkopolski between December 2021 and June 2022.