The project addresses the phenomenon of light smog, which is not yet a well-recognised issue in the Podkarpackie Region and in Poland as a whole. However, light pollution has a damaging effect on the development of species as well as on life of animals and people. What is more, energy consumption on unnecessary lighting contributes to climate change. The aim of the project is to support civic activities for the protection of the night environment from pollution caused by artificial light. We conduct thematic webinars and create a film dedicated to the idea of the ecology of the night. We organise a photo competition to capture the problem of sky pollution by artificial light. We conduct workshops on documenting light pollution and training on legal aspects related to the protection of the night sky. As a result of the project the Guardians of Dark Sky are appointed, i.e. a group of about 30 people in the Podkarpackie Region, who will monitor and signal to local authorities and media the problems of progressive light pollution. Direct beneficiaries of the project activities are the participants of the workshops, training, webinars and a photo competition. They are inhabitants of the Podkarpackie Region, mainly young people. Indirect beneficiaries are the residents of the localities where the project’s events take place, as well as local governments, NGOs from the region and nature protection institutions. The project partner, Non-investment fund Teleskop from Snina in Slovakia, deals with monitoring of light pollution in the Dark Sky Park Połoniny in Slovakia.