The aim of the project is to increase the effectiveness of domestic violence prevention and the protection of its victims in the Świętokrzyskie province. The challenges that the project addresses are: insufficient knowledge of methods, tools and ways of working with families involved in domestic violence among people and entities who are working with such families, as well as the unused potential of NGOs and their low participation in the work of interdisciplinary teams. Domestic violence is a serious social problem in over 60% of the localities in Świętokrzyskie province that we have examined. More than 45% of the victims of violence are women, and almost 40% of people do not react to the manifestations of aggression that they witness. Świętokrzyskie province takes the first place in the country in terms of the number of people suspected of committing violence in the family under the influence of alcohol. The psychological and therapeutic programme in the region is currently implemented only by 3 local governments. Our project is addressed to interdisciplinary teams and working groups for counteracting family violence, the NGOs that encounter violent actions against their charges, decision-makers, local government officials, and families involved in violence. As part of the project, we organize 2 conferences, 12 meetings, 3 series of specialized trainings (400 hours in total) for 45 participants, including 10 persons from NGOs. We develop educational packages based on materials of the ‘Blue Line’ programme – they will be distributed to 102 communes and 50 NGOs. We implement a pilot activation and support programme for 5 families involved in domestic violence, which will become a new method of working in our foundation. As part of the foundation’s capacity building we will purchase furniture, develop a fundraising strategy and develop educational packages for staff. The activities planned in the project will involve min. 500 people.