The older people in the Zbrosławice municipality are more and more often becoming victims of violence. Data from the Police and the Municipal Social Care Centre reveal that the problem exists, but according to the employees of these institutions it is underestimated. In 2020, 31 ‘Blue Card’ procedures were initiated in the municipality, and the victims were 31 women, including 10 aged 60+. Data from the Police Station in Zbrosławice shows that between 2015 and 2020, more than 350 domestic interventions involving violence were carried out. According to the police chief, there was a significant increase in violence against the elderly in 2020, after the Covid-19 pandemic started. We also learnt about this problem thanks to the work of volunteers. However, it does not appear in municipal studies. Therefore, with this project we want to fill the gap in the local system of violence prevention by implementing various intervention, information, diagnostic and advocacy activities. The aim of the project is to prevent violence among seniors in the municipality of Zbrosławice. Beneficiaries of the project are women and men aged 60+ (60 people) and their environment, including institutions dealing with violence. We conduct workshops on human rights, workshops on violence, relaxation and volunteering. We provide specialist counselling, launch a helpline for seniors and senior support groups. We carry out an educational and promotional campaign on violence against people aged 60+, and specialised training for NGO and local government employees dealing with violence. The project will raise awareness in the municipality of the problem of violence against people 60+ and create a system of counteracting violence.