This project is aimed at empowering girls and young women. According to the Women’s Rights Centre’s report as of 2020, ‘Women, being – socially – the majority, meet the definition of a minority group, that is one whose members are identified by some of their visible characteristics and are vulnerable to discrimination on that account by the hegemonic group.’ Women are poorer than men. The higher the positions, the fewer women who occupy them. In addition, women are much more likely to be discriminated against even at the stage of looking for a job, because it is considered that the role of a woman is to be responsible for organising family life. A study conducted by the Jagiellonian University found that more than half of the respondents had experienced domestic violence. It also confirmed the high percentage of women doing an unpaid work. Conservative opinions concerning the professional work of mothers of young children are dominant in Poland – more than three quarters of those surveyed claimed that such women should not work. Actions aimed at counteracting gender-based exclusion of women are relatively recent. Girls and young women are digitally excluded: they are told during their education that they do not have the digital or mathematical skills that boys have, and do not develop their talents in this area. In this project we would like to reach out to citizens of the so-called “county Poland” understood geographically and mentally. The beneficiaries of the project are boys and girls aged 15-20, but also their parents and educators.