According to the police statistics, around 88,000 people in Poland are victims of domestic violence every year. Despite the change in awareness regarding the consent to physical punishment of children, 1/7 of respondents with children under 19 admit to using physical or psychological violence. Domestic violence is an escalating phenomenon and its effects are long-term. Violence affects different people, regardless of their social status. Long-term action is needed to enable people’s attitudes to change and ensure their sustainability. In this project, we provide comprehensive assistance to people caught up in violence. Our target groups are families, couples, individuals (men, women, children, young people) who are perpetrators, victims or witnesses of violence. We offer pedagogical consultations, parenting skills workshops, psychotherapy, we run support and skills development groups for people experiencing violence and those perpetrating violence. We cooperate with municipal social assistance centres, probation officers, family assistants, education staff and foster care workers. We organise a conference attended by: probation officers, teachers, educators, employees of psychological-educational counselling centres as well as specialists working with families. Our project’s activities are in line with the ‘Programme for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence for 2019-2024’ which is implemented in the City of Wrocław. Our project’s beneficiaries are people who are not capable to cope with conflict situations and are involved in violence. Indirect recipients are also the beneficiaries’ members of families. Awareness of the problem of violence and sensitisation to it often result in a more decisive response to manifestations of violence. Therefore, indirect recipients are also all residents – the entire local community.