In this project, we are making young people, students from secondary schools and universities in the City of Cracow, more familiar with the subject of the economy of values. Our aim is to strengthen civil society and increase civic participation in the dissemination of knowledge about climate change. We engage young people in educational and implementation activities as part of the Open Eyes Economy (OEE) movement, which promotes the economy of values and sustainable development. We run educational and motivational activities (as the OEE Academy) and enable young people to test their acquired knowledge by participating in an environmental hackathon and implementing their own initiatives. Participants work in task groups and then complete specific objectives, e.g. developing and submitting proposals for the civic budget. Challenges addressed by the project include a lack of the sense of agency and low civic engagement among young people, insufficient civic education and little knowledge of climate change.
As a result of the project, 100 prepared, motivated and experienced young activists will become sustainably involved in various initiatives strengthening civil society and environmental action. The young people will not only acquire useful knowledge, but will also develop key competences such as the ability to cooperate, solve difficult problems, negotiate or present their own ideas. This will be possible thanks to educational and creative activities and the involvement of young people in activating activities. The project builds on the GAP Foundation’s previous activities increasing the role of young people in decision-making processes.