The aim of the project is to prevent violations of refugee rights in Poland in the border area, to document those violations and to help their victims. The project is addressed to foreigners crossing the eastern border of Poland, who were prevented from applying for international protection when they first crossed the border, as well as to those with regard to whom the procedure is already underway and who are staying in the centres of the Office for Foreigners. The international law in force in Poland provides that measures taken to regulate the entry of foreigners must not prevent them from applying for international protection. However, Polish services notoriously violate the applicable regulations, failing to accept applications for international protection and taking refugees out of Poland to the Polish-Belarusian border. They do not provide foreigners with assistance and do not allow people to provide them with legal or medical assistance. Until the state of emergency is lifted, it is these foreigners that we particularly want to help. Monitoring and documentation will make it more difficult for services to break the law and increase the likelihood of these people being allowed to apply for international protection. A patrol will be stationed in the border area to intervene in situations where foreigners’ rights are violated and to provide them with medical assistance and food. Those crossing the border will receive legal and psychological support. The collected evidence showing the situation of these people, the illegality of the actions of the services and the violation of human rights will be described in a report. The interventions will increase the number of refugees who will receive basic or full medical and psychological care, as well as those who will undergo the refugee procedure.