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InterCOOLtural school as a place for dialogue and respect

Project Promoter: Wrocławska Fundacja Edukacji Europejskiej i Współpracy Międzynarodowej Freya
Proposal: 2nd thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 29 145,23 EUR
Upper Secondary School No. XV (Poland)
Beatus Cras (Norway)
Duration time: 01.11.2022 31.10.2023

The main goal of the project is to empower school students with migration experience by strengthening their voice and presence in the local community. We want to increase knowledge about multiculturalism at school among Polish school students as well as teachers’ knowledge about the needs of migrants. We also want to raise awareness among the general public about the needs and situation of school students with migration experience. There is a growing number of persons with migration experience in the Polish educational system. Unfortunately, neither teachers nor pupils are prepared to receive school students with migration experience in their schools. In this project we sensitise pupils to the problem of discrimination. We reinforce attitudes of openness and respect towards the other. We support dialogue and promote Nonviolent Communication (NVC). We conduct workshops to develop the self-advocacy competences of school students with migration experience and anti-discrimination workshops for Polish students. We organise a congress for teachers with workshop elements. A publication will also be developed containing the results of a study on the situation of students with migration experience and excerpts from their diaries. Partners in the project are: Wrocław Upper Secondary School No. XV and Beatus Cras, a Polish association from Norway, which will share good practices during a study visit to Norway.