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Inclusive Lower Silesia – comprehensive support for the LGBT+ community

Project Promoter: Stowarzyszenie Różnorodności Społecznej UP-DATE
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 102 476,00 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 1.11.2021-30.09.2023

The aim of the project is to provide educational and psychological support to local communities in the Lower Silesia Region, including people from the LGBT+ community, young people and their environment. The need for the project stems from the analysis of the current social situation at the local, regional and national levels. The report developed in 2017 for the years 2015-2016 entitled “Social situation of LGBTA people in Poland” shows alarming data on suicidal thoughts among people from the LGBT+ community. The highest percentage of those who have contemplated suicide are young people under the age of 18 (69.4%, of which 11.9% very often). Among respondents aged 18-25, 48.9% had considered ending their life, of which 6.1% very often, while among those aged 26 and over, suicidal thoughts were had by 28.8% of respondents, of which 2.4% very often. Respondents from villages and towns with up to 100,000 inhabitants thought about death more often (53.6%) than those from large towns with more than 500,000 inhabitants (37.8%). As part of the project, a Psychological Support Fund will be set up to enable LGBT+ people in a difficult life and material situation to receive psychological support and coaching. We will conduct sexual education workshops for young people. We will train parents, legal guardians, and teachers on how to talk to children and young people about their sexuality and psychosexual development, including aspects relevant to the LGBT+ community. We will prepare community organisations, offices and businesses to respond effectively to discrimination, violence and hate and to create an inclusive workplace. We will enable LGBT+ people and their families to exchange experiences. The project will contribute to the creation of a comprehensive support system for young people, LGBT+ people and their environment in small and medium-sized towns in Lower Silesia.