In a survey conducted among 100 students of secondary schools in the Pomeranian Province, when asked about the most important problems of young people in their locality, 32% of the respondents answered: ‘aggression, violence, crime’. These problems intensified during the Covid-19 pandemic. Isolation encourages the escalation of cyberbullying because children and young people spend all day on the computer or the phone and no one is able to constantly check what they are doing. The perpetrators feel unpunished, and frequent online presence makes the dissemination of harmful content easier. Young people today are more aware of being different. ‘Different’ means no longer just being obese, poor or having bad grades at school. Young people are increasingly meeting LGBT people, migrants or people from different religions. They are afraid of what they do not understand, and this often leads to aggression or peer violence. The project’s target group consists of around 200 students aged 13-19 who live or study in the Pomeranian Province, as well as their peers (as recipients of educational campaigns). Within the project, young people develop social campaigns that sensitise young people to the issues of human rights and equal treatment, encourage them to counteract hate speech and oppose peer violence. They are supported by pedagogues and animators engaged in prevention programmes. Groups of ambassadors against peer violence are appointed in the schools participating in the project. Students implement their own initiatives against hate speech and acts of hate, develop prevention movies and cartoons that spread knowledge about human rights and equal treatment.