Older people are one of the groups that are most at risk of social exclusion, especially in rural areas. Their care is often limited to providing them with food, while their psychological and social needs are not met. People who are dependent on caregivers usually have an inferior position in the family and are at risk of psychological and financial violence. According to the Biała Rawska Municipality Status Report (as of 2020), out of 15186 inhabitants of the municipality, 2157 people are over 65. The aim of the project is to counteract social exclusion due to age discrimination and to increase the level of empathy towards the elderly among caregivers and youth. We will conduct weekly art classes for seniors, led by an art therapy specialist, as well as monthly meetings with a psychologist and a social welfare employee. We want to improve the integration of seniors in the community (especially with caregivers and youth). To achieve this, we organize meetings with music and a trip to a thermal resort, during which young people learn how to take care of the elderly in unusual conditions. We want the project to increase the sense of belonging of the elderly to the community. This is why we provide traditional neighbourhood benches in the municipality, that will make it easier for seniors to meet their neighbours and will contribute to increasing older people’s activity. As part of the project we want to conduct activities that teach people giving warmth, increase the sense of security, acceptance, respect and understanding. This is the reason why we are using the metaphor of a stove, which in the countryside is associated with a home fire, warmth and family. We want to take care of 10 seniors aged 65+, who are at risk of social exclusion and psychological and financial violence. Our partner is the Social Care Centre in Biała Rawska. In the project 10 caretakers of the elderly and about 10 young people will take part.