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Hello Neighbor! Integration of migrants in local communities

Project Promoter: Fundacja Polskie Forum Migracyjne
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 100 315,49 EUR
Fundacja dla Wolności
Gmina Miasto Marki
Miasto Podkowa Leśna
Gmina Izabelin
Duration time: 31.12.2021 - 30-09-2023

The aim of the project is integration and counteracting exclusion and discrimination of migrants living in three Warsaw suburban municipalities: Marki, Izabelin and Podkowa Leśna. These municipalities are often chosen by foreigners working in Warsaw as a more affordable housing possibility. Through the activities planned in this project we want to engage more the ‘new neighbours’ in the life of the local communities and break the model of treating the place of residence as a ‘bedroom’. As part of the project, we opened information and counselling points for foreigners, where they can receive immediate legal and integration support. We invited 3 schools to the project (one from each municipality). In cooperation with schools, we conduct comprehensive training activities for teaching staff and school students, and together we develop school strategies for promoting cultural diversity. We are also implementing the ‘Through sport to integration’ component, which will include sports integration picnics, especially for young people, as well as social campaigns. We will also take measures to improve the competencies of local government officials in the area of integration of migrants, including through training and the development of a model for local integration. The project is the result of cooperation with the municipal authorities from Izabelin, Marki and Podkowa Leśna, and with the Foundation for Freedom (that specializes in community work with children in the asylum procedure).