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Green Up 2022-2024 – Young People For Green Change In Schools And Local Communities

Project Promoter: Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Rozwoju Spółdzielczości i Przedsiębiorczości Lokalnej WAMA-COOP
Proposal: 2nd thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 114 969,00 EUR
Stowarzyszenie Gmin RP Euroregion Bałtyk (Poland)
Elbląski Park Technologiczny (Poland)
FØNIX AS (Norway)
Duration time: 01.09.2022-30.04.2024

In this project, we are increasing young people’s civic engagement in the field of sustainable development, environmental protection and tackling climate change. We are implementing the project in the Warmian-Mazurian and Pomeranian Provinces in cross-sectoral cooperation between entities from Poland and Norway. The entities involved are: three social partners, a business-related institution, three municipalities and nine educational institutions. As part of the project, we introduce an innovative method of working with young people, including municipal youth councils. We initiate and support cooperation between NGOs and educational institutions, and develop environmental education in schools. We carry out diagnoses of needs and resources in the field of ecology and sustainable development in the three municipalities where the project is implemented. We organise information, consultation and diagnostic meetings with municipal authorities. We conduct workshops on climate change. We test in the municipalities the youth initiatives that emerge from the meetings and workshops. We promote youth entrepreneurship in the field of green growth. We want to implement the most interesting ideas of young people in these municipalities.