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Get oriented in (Greater)Poland. Knowledge and skills for mutual integration.

Project Promoter: Fundacja Centrum Badań Migracyjnych
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 82 660,97 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 1.10.2021-30.09.2023

This is an orientation and adaptation project in which we would like to make it easier for people with migration experience to live independently in Poland, especially in the city of Poznan and the Greater Poland Province. Our goal is to provide equal opportunities and empowerment to the group of migrants and to integrate them into the host society. For people with migration experience we will provide Polish language learning combined with information and orientation workshops explaining functioning of the state and local environment. We will implement a mentoring programme in schools. We will develop materials and conduct workshops for pedagogical staff, employers, people working for local government and public service institutions. With those workshops we would like to teach the participants how to support people with migration experience and how to transfer the essential ‘know-how’ of living in Poland to them. As a result, migrants will gain knowledge about the realities of life in Poland, especially in the city of Poznan and the Greater Poland Province, and representatives of Polish society will gain knowledge about the situation of migrants and how to help them. Within the project we will cooperate with schools, an association of employers, local authorities and public service institutions. We plan to reach new groups of people, both among migrants and Polish society. The activities are mainly addressed to people with migration experience, who find themselves in a difficult situation after arriving in Poland. In addition, some activities are addressed to selected professional groups of the host society that can provide important support to migrants, e.g. employers, pedagogical staff, representatives of local self-government and public service institutions.