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Feminist Alliance for Good Information on Gender Equality

Project Promoter: Feministyczny sojusz na rzecz dobrej informacji o równości płci
Proposal: 2nd thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 21 922,02 EUR
Partners: Terram Pacis (Norway)
Duration time: 01.01.2023-31.01.2024

In this project we network activists from equality organisations, strengthen groups working locally for human rights and disseminate knowledge about gender equality. We address the project to activists and leaders experiencing discouragement, doubts, loneliness and even feelings of missing the point of their initiatives. The problem we are responding to is the activist crisis and the deterioration of the situation and conditions for equality organisations in Poland. In 2020, 69% of the population supported the Women’s Strike, 95% of adults had heard of the Women’s Strike and 75% were familiar with its demands (Maison&Partners, 2020). The authorities implemented an ‘anti-gender political project’ (A. Graff and E. Korolczuk, ‘Who’s afraid of gender?…’) and launched a system of repression against some citizens. The socio-political situation in Poland has a strong impact on the functioning of equality NGOs. According to a report on the functioning of these organisations, leadership burnout is experienced by 52% of them. As part of the project, we are strengthening those working for equality, building their bond and community of experience. Local groups meet in four towns in Silesia region and prepare a social campaign. We organise meetings with experts, important feminist figures and a summer activist camp. Initiative groups carry out mini projects in their communities. We are preparing a Gender Equality Plan and modernising our website, which will inform people about our involvement in equality projects. The direct befeniciaries of the activities are female leaders from Będzin, Katowice, Chorzów and Chybie. Indirect befeniciaries are the inhabitants of the towns involved in the project.