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Elections in the M City – we learn local participation

Project Promoter: Fundacja Szczęśliwe Dzieciństwo
Proposal: 2nd thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 79 574,28 EUR
Partners: Spółdzielnia Socjalna Peron 3
Duration time: 01.10.2022-30.09.2023

This project responds to the following needs: inadequate civic knowledge and skills among young people in the Lublin County, little interest among families in developing civic attitudes in children and young people, and negative attitudes towards participation and local cooperation among the residents of our county. As part of the project we are implementing an innovative educational programme to build participatory and civic attitudes in young people. It is attended by 160 school students in 8 schools in the Lublin County. As part of the project, we conduct ‘Elections in the M City’ workshops as a game that simulates local elections. During the workshops, young people learn about the principles of civil society, including voting in elections or participatory budgeting. In each school, we run a participatory budget campaign: young people prepare and submit their project proposals, and residents cast their votes for them. The three projects with the most votes will be implemented by young people supported by the local community. Open meetings will be held in each school to summarise the project. During the meetings we will present the project activities and initiate discussion in the local communities. The direct beneficiaries of the project are 160 7th grade elementary school students (13-15 year-olds) from eight small, rural schools in the Lublin County. As a result of the project, young people will learn how modern civil society functions and will gain skills to actively participate in social and public life. As a result, they will be able to involve the residents of their localities in activities to protect the environment or solve other local problems. Our partner is the Peron 3 Social Cooperative, which will prepare the project team to carry out activities to activate young people and the whole communities.