The aim of the project is to develop cooperation between local communities and self-governments of 6 Pomeranian municipalities in the area of environmental protection. Within the UN Agenda 2030, Poland has committed itself to achieving 17 global sustainable development goals. One of them is responsible consumption and production, closely linked to environmental protection. Environmental safety is one of the main operational objectives in the Pomeranian Province Strategy 2030. At the same time, the authors of the Strategy underline the need for cooperation of all levels of administration, NGOs, business and residents. Based on our experience in building dialogue and cross-sectoral partnerships, we would like to support the development of common solutions that can be implemented by local governments. To this end, we will use the process of designing social innovations with the Design Thinking methodology. Thanks to the workshop work of an interdisciplinary team, specific solutions for climate protection will be designed, at least one of which will be implemented by a selected municipality. We will support the implementation of the remaining developed solutions by the participating municipalities. The project will help to intensify joint activities for climate protection and at the same time to strengthen 20 community leaders. Main activities in the project are: joint development of solutions for climate and environmental protection, implementation and dissemination of climate innovations through development and consultation of a cooperation model to implement similar solutions in other municipalities in Poland and local cooperation forums, support for leaders of change through mentoring process strengthening leadership competences and intersectoral cooperation.