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Consultation point for foreigners at Foundation for Somalia

Project Promoter: Fundacja dla Somalii
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 83 999,99 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 31.12.2021–31.12.2022

The project aims to provide migrants with access to general and specialist counselling services provided by integration counsellors, a lawyer and a vocational counsellor. More and more people with migration experience are coming to Poland. Only in February 2021, more than 28,000 applications for permits for temporary residence, permanent residence and residence of a long-term EU resident were submitted, and almost 17,000 positive decisions were issued. According to the statistical data from the Office for Foreigners and the Mazovian Province Office, the Mazovian Province is the most willingly chosen place to settle or to live temporarily – this trend has been maintained for several years. This means an influx of new people to the region, who do not know the Polish language and Polish realities and are not able to benefit from institutional support. The project will fill the gap in the access to counselling and information services in the whole Mazovian Province, and thanks to the launch of online counselling, also in the whole Poland. The main objective of the project is to provide foreigners with integration, legal and vocational support. Within the project we will directly support at least 800 people with migration experience and provide at least 1500 in-person and online consultations. Thanks to this, the beneficiaries will also acquire skills to deal with legal and administrative problems on their own, and their knowledge of their own rights and obligations as well as knowledge of labour law will increase. This will help avoid the trap of illegal employment or exploitation of ignorance of the law by Polish employers. The project is addressed to migrants, especially from the Mazovian Province. They will be people of all ages and the legal advice will also cover children and young people. Most of them are women, 70% of our beneficiaries are Slavs and 30% are people from Africa, Asia and South America.