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Adventure Base – Activity And Integration Centre

Project Promoter: Fundacja Imago
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 102 733,73 EUR
Sandnes Kommune (Norway)
Asociace pro terapii přírodou a dobrodružstvím v České republice, z.s. (Czech Republic)
Fundacja Sprawne Wspinanie (Poland)
Duration time: 1.12.2021-31.07.2023

The aim of the project is to develop new solutions for the social inclusion of 40 young people with disabilities from the city of Wroclaw and the Wroclaw district, using the methodology of therapy and education based on contact with nature (wilderness therapy/education). Wilderness therapy is a consciously planned therapeutic activity involving the participants simultaneously on three levels: kinetic, cognitive and behavioural. According to research conducted by the Imago Foundation, during the Covid-19 pandemic a significant number of young people with disabilities have not communicated with their friends, acquaintances and peers for a long time. Due to the temporary closure of various support centres (occupational therapy workshops, environmental self-help homes, day care centres) their cognitive and social functioning deteriorated. Alternative methods of work using contact with nature will give them the opportunity to return faster to life in society, to practice self-reliance, to undertake physical activities and to establish new, permanent social contacts. Within the project we will conduct 18 wilderness therapy/education programmes (e.g. trekking, rafting, archery classes, outdoor games, etc.) for 40 participating young people with disabilities. When determining the level of challenge we will take into account the individual psycho-physical needs and abilities of the participating persons, on the basis of a diagnosis and an individual support plan. The activities of the “Wilderness Base” will be co-created by 8 young volunteers from the last years of secondary school, who will be trained in wilderness therapy methodology and elements of social assistantship. The final element of the project will be exchange of know-how between partner organisations from Poland, Norway and Czech Republic and development of competences of 8 professionals from Polish NGOs working on daily basis with people with disabilities, using methods based on wilderness therapy and education.