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Activization of the local community for the protection of the environment

Project Promoter: Towarzystwo Edukacyjne "Wiedza Powszechna"
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 27 693,00 EUR
Gmina Wiejska Pszczółki
Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego
Duration time: 01.10.2021-31.10.2022

In this project, we deal with education for environmental protection, in particular the protection of bees and other pollinators. The project is implemented in partnership of two NGOs (the ‘Common Knowledge’ Educational Society and the Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdańsk) and a local government unit (the Pszczółki Municipality). As part of the project, we hold a series of Oxford-style debates on the challenges described in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development. Our goal is to develop a universal model of cooperation between local government, NGOs and other stakeholders for the benefit of environmental protection. Activities in the project are aimed at residents of the Pomerania Province, in particulat at those living in towns below 50,000 inhabitants. The project will involve: secondary school students, farmers, experts, NGOs, rural housewives’ clubs and other local opinion leaders.