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Residents’ participation in shaping local policies

On 15 April 2021, we held a webinar on residents’ participation in shaping local policies. The recording is now available to watch.

“Residents’ participation in shaping local policies” is one of 6 special focus areas of the Programme. Projects falling within these themes will receive additional points at the stage of the application evaluation.

The presentation was given by Wojciech Odzimek – consultant and trainer in the field of local development, planning and strategic management. Moderator of local cooperation processes, integration and activation of self-governmental communities. Director of the Malopolska Institute of Local Government and Administration of the Jerzy Regulski Foundation in Support of Local Democracy.

The webinar was hosted by Agnieszka Koszowska, project coordinator at the Information Society Development Foundation, member of the communication team of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme.

Watch the recording. Duration: 01:00:16.

Recording in Polish with translation into the Polish Sign Language and closed captions.

Plan of presentation:

  • 00:05-03:03: Introduction
  • 03:04-14:54: Part 1: Local policies, or what specifically?
  • 14:55-19:55: Part 2: Participation of residents, or who specifically?
  • 19:56-53:40: Part 3: Recommendations for activities / projects, your proposals, interesting solutions
  • 53:50-59:23: Question and answer session


Download here:

Presentation: Residents’ participation in shaping local policies