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Summing up of the 2nd round of the call for intervention projects

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Summing up of the 2nd round of the call for intervention projects

Grafika: dwie kobiety. Jedna siedzi przy stole, druga stoi obok, trzyma w ręce kartkę papieru. Nad postaciami dymki: kobiety rozmawiają.

The 2nd round of the call for intervention projects under the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme ran from 22 November 2022 to 22 May 2023. During this time, 278 applications were received, 19 of which received funding.  

Applications were received and evaluated on a ongoing basis:

  • 1st Application timeline: 22 November – 21 December, 2022 (44 out of 47 applications met eligibility criteria, 3 grants were awarded),
  • 2nd Application timeline: 22 December – 20 January, 2023 (49 out of 52 applications met eligibility criteria, 2 grants were awarded),
  • 3rd Application timeline: 21 January – 21 February, 2023 (40 out of 41 applications met eligibility criteria, 2 grants were awarded),
  • 4th Application timeline: 22 February – 21 March, 2023 (28 out of 30 applications met eligibility criteria, 2 grants were awarded),
  • 5th Application timeline: 22 March – 21 April, 2023 (12 applications were received, the all met eligibility criteria, 3 grants were awarded),
  • 6th Application timeline: 22 April – 22 May, 2023, noon (95 out of 96 applications met eligibility criteria, 7 grants were awarded).

Projects should fit into the Programme’s three areas of support:

  1. Area 1: Human rights protection (80 applications were received, 4 grants were awarded for a total amount of 59 781.40 EUR);
  2. Area 2: Promoting social diversity and preventing exclusion (118 applications were received, 3 grants were awarded for a total amount of 44 981,61 EUR);
  3. Area 3: Building democratic culture and civic engagement at local level (80 applications were received, 12 grants were awarded for a total amount of 170 167.41 EUR)..

In accordance with the call for proposals, the intervention projects may be financed if they comply with the Programme definition of intervention, the objectives of the Programme and the area of support selected by the Applicant and if they obtained at least 75% of the score available.

The total amount of funding awarded for intervention projects in the 2nd round of the call is 274 930.42 EUR from the EEA Grants.


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