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Youth Communal Council in Pełczyce

Project Promoter: Pracownia Inicjatyw Społecznych
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 26 565,00 EUR
Partners: Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Rodzinie "ALA i AS"

The project addresses the problem of low participation of youth in the activities undertaken by the Pełczyce Municipality. Our goal is to promote the idea of self-governance among young people and to increase their activity in Pełczyce by establishing a Youth Communal Council. Today’s democracy gives citizens more and more opportunities to influence decisions of authorities at different levels: from local to European. There are many tools of public participation, such as consultations, debates, government officials’ meetings with residents, etc. The role of citizens is changing, their task is no longer only to elect their representatives once every four years, but also to actively participate between the elections. As part of the project, we want to establish a 10-person Youth Communal Council and prepare its members to participate in the decision-making processes concerning issues important to young people. Direct beneficiaries of the project are 10 people aged 13-18 years old, living in the Pełczyce Municipality. We conduct information and recruitment meetings for young people as well as a series of educational working meetings. We will submit an application to establish a Youth Communal Council. We carry out educational weekends for representatives of the Youth Communal Council, and support the Council’s activities. The project is implemented in formal partnership with the “ALA and AS” Family Support Association and informal partnership with the Nicolaus Copernicus School Complex in Pełczyce.