As part of this project, we are continuing and extending the activities of the previously implemented project ‘I check it! – fact checking in the Podkarpackie Province’. The new edition of the project is implemented in the Podlaskie, Lubelskie and Podkarpackie Provinces. Our aim is to make residents aware of the need to verify information and to increase their skills in this area. The negative impact of disinformation on the public debate became particularly evident during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, when various conspiracy theories about it became serious problem all over the world. Currently, during the war in Ukraine and the accompanying refugee crisis, regions in eastern Poland, including Podlaskie, Lubelskie and Podkarpackie Provinces, are particularly vulnerable to disinformation and the spread of fake news. Moreover, according to a Eurostat study, in Poland in 2021, only 16% of Internet users checked the credibility of information. As part of the current edition of our project, we trained 30 persons – the community leaders, who increased their knowledge of fake news and gained skills in fact-checking and meeting facilitation. They also took part in workshops on data analysis and conducting local workshops. The trained individuals are implementing a series of educational workshops for their local communities. During the training, the trainees create fact-checking articles, which are made available as publications. In addition, as part of the project, we are updating the online course created in the 1st edition of the project, based on the comments of the trained persons collected as reports from the local workshops. Our partners are the editors of the website and the Pravda Association.