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DreamBus – our matters in our hands

Project Promoter: Stowarzyszenie Impakt
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 21 452,00 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 01.11.2021-01.11.2022

The aim of the project is to engage young people from the Youth Municipal and Communal Councils in the Świętokrzyskie Province in shaping the democratic future of the province. We create a network of young people and collect good practices and ideas on how to shape youth policies in the province. Together with a six-person representation of the Youth Municipal Council of Kielce and the Youth Parliament of the Province we are visiting with our ‘Dreambus’ all Youth Communal Councils in the province. Collected good practices and ideas will be passed to the Office of the Marshal to be used in the Strategy for Youth of the Świętokrzyskie Province for 2021-2030 which is being developed. Each meeting with a Youth Municipal Council lasts two days. In the first day young people get to know each other and exchange good practices, and in the second day they take part in motivational and development training. Preparing our project, we used the Office of the Marshal’s report entitled ‘Świętokrzyskie for Youth – Directions for Supporting Social Activity of the Youth in the Świętokrzyskie Province for 2017-2020’, as well as our own experiences from everyday work with young people. According to the aforementioned report, ‘a clear barrier to the development of social activity of youth is the low regularity of the undertaken activities (…). In the Świętokrzyskie Province young people aged 13-30 have insufficient opportunities to actively engage in social life, and the offered substantive and financial support, both for young leaders and informal youth groups, as well as non-governmental youth organisations and those working with youth, turns out to be insufficient’. The report shows that social activity is a means to develop skills needed to succeed in one’s career and personal life.