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Civic challenge – get involved!

Project Promoter: Fundacja Bliżej Pasji
Proposal: 2nd thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 74 934,65 EUR
Biłgoraj EKO Challenge
The Biłgoraj Municipality
Skawina Town and Municipality Office
Duration time: 01.11.2022-30.04.2024

The project is a response to the problem of low civic engagement and lack of space for young people from the Biłgoraj Municipality to get involved in shaping local policy on keeping the municipality’s forests clean. The project aims to increase public participation of Biłgoraj residents, including young people aged 12-25, in shaping local policy on maintaining cleanlines of the Biłgoraj environment . As part of the project, we carry out civic workshops, study visits and run a social campaign. We carry out a diagnosis of the state of the environment in the municipality and organise open meetings with residents about ecology. We carry out civic initiatives and jointly develop decisions on solutions that will improve local policy on keeping the environment in the Biłgoraj Municipality clean. The effects of the activities will be disseminated at a conference summarising the project. The result of the project will be a more effective local policy on maintaining cleanliness of green areas in the Biłgoraj Municipality. The project is implemented from November 2022 to May 2024.