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Manual for Applicants and Project Promoters – intervention projects, the ongoing call (2nd round)

We are presenting the Manual for Applicants and Project Promoters of Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme that has been elaborated for teams of NGO’s that are designing, and will be implementing, intervention projects in the second round of the call. The Manual will also serve those organisations whose projects receive funding, i.e. our Project Promoters.

Within the call we fund activities which constitute a rapid civic response to crisis situations identified by Applicants, i.e. a sudden change in the social situation or growing problems affecting a specific target group. The planned intervention should respond to specific, urgent problems and provide solutions which are implementable and can bring results within three (3) to eight (8) months.

Activities implemented as part of intervention projects should constitute a response to a specific and current crisis situation or sudden opportunity, but cannot consist in organising a cyclical event (e.g. a short activity held annually by the Applicant). It is not required for project outcomes to fulfil the sustainability criterion or form a basis for introducing systemic change.

Download here:

Manual for Applicants and Project Promoters of Active Citizens – Regional Fund. The Call for intervention projects. Part 1: Conditions for participation in calls for proposals and rules for projects implementation

Errata to Part 1 of the Manual (as of 30.01.2023)

Manual for Applicants and Project Promoters of Active Citizens – Regional Fund. Part 2: Areas of support and special focus projects