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Join the international initiative ‘DEI in the NGO sector’

Rysunek przedstawiający kobietę z siwymi włosami i w okularach oraz młodego mężczyznę rozmawiających ze sobą. Obie postaci wychylają się z dymków dialogowych.

Join the international initiative ‘DEI in the NGO sector’

Rysunek przedstawiający kobietę z siwymi włosami i w okularach oraz młodego mężczyznę rozmawiających ze sobą. Obie postaci wychylają się z dymków dialogowych.

Recruitment for the regional initiative on DEI in the non-governmental sector is open until 19 August. This international event accompanies the conference summarising the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme and will take place in Warsaw on 25-26 September 2024.

The topic of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in the workplace and NGO activities, was discussed during the webinar series ‘Diverse community, diverse team, inclusive organisation’. This approach is gaining popularity across various sectors because it offers tangible benefits for those working within organisations, for the organisations themselves, and for their beneficiaries.

We believe that regardless of the topics you address daily and the groups you work with, it is valuable to view diversity as an asset within your communities and teams. And to consider how to incorporate the perspectives of inclusion and equity into your daily activities.

The regional initiative ‘DEI in the NGO sector’ is implemented within the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme in Poland, in collaboration with the Active Citizens Fund Programmes in Bulgaria and Estonia. All events within the initiative will be conducted in English (without interpretation).

What are we inviting you to?

We invite you to join a process where, in a group of approximately 25 people representing NGOs from Poland, Bulgaria, and Estonia, among others, we will discuss:

  • what DEI is and how its understanding may vary depending on the country / region, different cultures, and experiences;
  • how to implement DEI in the social change sector to create a better workplace and increase the impact of the organisation;
  • how to integrate DEI into an organisation’s strategy to support the achievement of its external goals;
  • what inclusive leadership is and why it is worth practising.

The introductory online meeting (1.5 hours) will be held in mid-September. The main event will take place on
25-26 September in Warsaw (at Faktyczny Dom Kultury and the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews). Participants in the initiative will also be able to attend the plenary opening and closing sessions of the conference summarising the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme on 26 September.

Download the programme of the initiative [ENG]

Who are we inviting?

We primarily invite individuals who influence strategy building and shape procedures related to the team (e.g., those in leadership positions) within NGOs. It is also important for us that applicants have a strong motivation to incorporate the DEI perspective into the organisation’s activities.

Due to the international nature of the initiative, the workshops will be held in English, without interpretation into other languages. Participants must have a communicative level of English to exchange experiences in an international group.


For the initiative, we invited experts in the field of DEI who are also practitioners from the social sector:

  • Martyna Markiewicz – trainer, member of the Board of Ashoka in Poland, DEI leader at the European level of Ashoka. She supports networks, organisations, and individuals striving for social change, focusing primarily on gender equality and diversity, inclusion, and social justice. She created and leads Ashoka’s international educational process on the relationship between DEI and social change: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Learning Journey.
  • Monika Mazur-Rafał – educator, President of the Board of Humanity in Action Poland (HIA) and International Programme Director of HIA. She oversees the programme activities of HIA in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and the USA, focusing on education about human rights, diversity, and inclusion. She supports organisations in initiating, designing, and implementing DEI initiatives. She is a certified DEI expert and a graduate of Executive MBA, which allows her to combine NGO and business approaches to DEI and create synergies.

How to apply?

To apply for the initiative, please fill out the relevant application form by 19 August

  • If you represent an NGO from Poland, please read these regulations and fill out this form [in Polish].
  • If you do not speak Polish and/or represent an NGO from another country implementing the Active Citizens Fund Programme, please write to expressing your interest in taking part in the initiative.

Logistic details

We will provide accommodation (in single rooms), and meals for all participants during the event. We will also cover the costs of flight or train / bus tickets for participants from abroad.

Both Faktyczny Dom Kultury and the POLIN Museum are accessible to individuals with mobility disabilities. If other adjustments are needed, please let us know in your application.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the initiative, please contact: 


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