Closing conference – announcement

The closing conference of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme will take place on 26 September 2024 from 10:00-16:15 at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.
We are holding the conference with the theme of ‘Open, democratic, green’, referring to the slogan of the Norwegian and EEA Funds, which contribute to the co-creation of a more inclusive, democratic and green Europe.

There are two stages of the registration:
- from 28.08 to 03.09 (until 15:00 CEST) – registration for the conference is open to persons representing the Programme’s grantees, both Project Promoters and Partners (a link to the registration form will be sent by email by regional consultants) – limit of 170 places;
- from 05.09 to 11.09 (until 15:00) – open registration for all interested parties (the link to the registration form will be made available on 05.09 on the Programme website and on our social media channels).
Due to the limited number of places, a maximum of two people representing the same organisation can participate in the event
Please note that individuals speaking at the conference do not need to register for the event and are not counted toward the limit.
Please read the Conference rules before registering.
Registered persons will receive confirmation of their participation by 13.09 at the latest,
Programme in short
10:00-11:30: Plenary session
- Opening of the conference and sum-up of the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme featuring representatives from the Donor States, the Financial Mechanism Office in Brussels and the Programme Consortium
- Open conversation about the Programme (‘fishbowl’)
Coffee break
11:50-13:20: 1st session
Presentations of best practices
- Superheroes of Gniewkowo
- Equal Together
- IDEAS through the countryside
- Is it worth returning home?
- For people and nature – through education to action
Expert tables
- International cooperation
- Working and cooperating with people with disabilities
- Senior citizenship policy and intergenerational cooperation
Conference room A
Women in public spaces
Conference room B
Discussion panel
Development perspectives of emerging organisations
Workshop room 1
Inclusive Leadership in the Social Change Sector*
Workshop room 2
Legislative Theatre as good practice for participatory community involvement in law change
14:20-15:50: 2nd session
Presentations of best practices
- Support for women experiencing sexual harassment
- How to help teenagers change the world?
- ‘An hour away, eastward’
- An inclusive school
Shared opportunities
Expert tables
- How to build partnerships with business?
- AI tools in the development of an NGO
- Participation and involvement of young people
Conference room A
The Laboratory of Aging
Conference room B
Action Learning Lite. Introduction to Action Learning
Workshop room 1
DEI and Strategy in the Social Change Sector*
Workshop room 2
Public participation and the right to live in a clean and healthy environment
16.00-16.15: Closing
Summary of the conference
*In the frame of the regional initiative “DEI in the NGO sector” implemented within the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme in Poland, in collaboration with the Active Citizens Fund Programmes in Bulgaria and Estonia. The Active Citizens Fund Programmes are funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. Food (lunch and coffee breaks) is provided to those attending. We do not cover the cost of travel to the event or accommodation in Warsaw.
The accessibility of the POLIN Museum is described in detail at: All spaces in the building are accessible for people in wheelchairs (the surface around the building and the ramp at the entrance may cause difficulties), and in selected rooms (including: the Auditorium) stationary induction loops are installed. It is possible to enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog. The opening plenary session (10:00-11:30) will be interpreted live into Polish Sign Language.
All speeches in the Auditorium (opening and closing sessions, as well as presentations of best practices) will be translated simultaneously from Polish to English and from English to Polish.
If you need any additional assistance to be able to participate in the event, please list them in the application form. To the best of our ability, we will try to respond to these needs.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the conference, please contact:
- Adriana Skutyńska:, +48 574 999 973,
- Zuzanna Ogrodnik-Gruszecka:, +48 785 225 541.
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Event partner: Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN.
Media patron: