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Workshop summarising bilateral and regional cooperation in the Active Citizens Fund Programmes (5-6.09.2024, Warsaw)

Rysunek przedstawiający kobietę z siwymi włosami i w okularach oraz młodego mężczyznę rozmawiających ze sobą. Obie postaci wychylają się z dymków dialogowych.

Workshop summarising bilateral and regional cooperation in the Active Citizens Fund Programmes (5-6.09.2024, Warsaw)

Rysunek przedstawiający kobietę z siwymi włosami i w okularach oraz młodego mężczyznę rozmawiających ze sobą. Obie postaci wychylają się z dymków dialogowych.

Have you implemented a project with a foreign partner under one of the Active Citizens Fund Programmes? Would you like to take stock of what went well and what did not go as planned and expected? We are encouraging you to participate in a workshop aimed at summarising foreign cooperation.

All organisations that are or were grantees of the Active Citizens Fund – National Programme or Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme and implemented bilateral/regional projects or initiatives with foreign partners from the Donor and/or Beneficiary States or/and Ukraine are invited to take part in a workshop summarising the experience of foreign partnerships.

During the workshop, you will analyse how your cooperation with a foreign partner went and will be able to learn from your experience in order to better prepare for and benefit from such cooperation next time.

The workshop will take place on 5-6 September 2024 in Warsaw and will be free of charge for the grantees of the Active Citizens Fund – National Programme and Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme, and for the implementers of bilateral and regional initiatives under both Programmes, as well as for their project partners. We will cover travel costs, accommodation in Warsaw and meals during the workshop – also for the representative of foreign partners. The workshop will be held in English (no translation).

1 person representing the Polish organisation and 1 person representing the foreign partner with whom you have realised a project or initiative are invited to participate in the workshop. The participation of a person representing a foreign partner is not a prerequisite for taking part in the workshop, but such applications will be given priority.

How to apply

If you would like to participate, please complete the application form here.

One application (the completed form) should include both individuals representing the organisation and its partner.

We are waiting for the applications until 5 May and will inform you of your eligibility by 13 May this year.

NOTE: Completion of the form does not constitute eligibility for the workshop. We will select in the first instance the organisations that register their participation together with their foreign partner. The participation of the foreign partner’s representative is not obligatory, but we encourage you to persuade him/her to come. The organisers will also cover the travel costs of those from abroad.

The workshops are organised jointly by the Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme and Active Citizens Fund – National Programme.

If you have questions about the workshop – please contact the bilateral and regional cooperation coordinators: Ewa Stokłuska (Active Citizens Fund – Regional Programme,, +48 720 801 013) or Anna Fedas (Active Citizens Fund – National Programme,, +48 22 536 02 41).


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