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Allied Business – LGBT-friendly places in Poland

Project Promoter: Fundacja Pro Diversity
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 79 369,06 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 2.11.2021-30.06.2023

For many years, Poland has been one of the least LGBTQ-friendly countries. Many studies show that homophobia, biphobia & transphobia are still quite common here. The situation is changing somewhat in some workplaces. The organisational culture that selected organisations are introducing shows that inclusivity and being open to different minority groups simply pays off. Creating LGBT-friendly places can be an opportunity for social change – building awareness that these people are an important part of society. As part of the project, we will create a database and a map of LGBT-friendly places throughout Poland. We will hold at least 50 events in county towns throughout the country, during which we will encourage small and larger businesses to declare openness to non-heteronormative people. For their business it will be an additional way of promotion and increase of income, and for LGBT people – a clue on where they can go and whose services they can use to feel safe and not have to be afraid of refusal of services. We will develop a mobile application that will allow anyone interested to find places that not only provide services in different areas and fields but are also open to LGBT customers and staff. In addition, we will prepare educational videos that will allow us to extend the project’s impact for months and years after its end. On the project website anyone interested will be able to submit new, emerging businesses. We will promote the idea of openness in business in press publications, purchased advertisements and promotional materials.