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Sexual education. Passing grade?

Project Promoter: Stowarzyszenie Queerowy Maj
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 115 080,00 EUR
Partners: Kvenréttindafélag Íslands (Iceland)
Duration time: 01.12.2021-30.11.2023

The situation of sexual education in Poland is well illustrated by the fact that no such term currently exists in the Polish education system. Classes containing elements of sexual education are conducted under the name of ‘upbringing to family life’. The programme has not changed since the 1990s, that is since this subject was introduced to Polish schools. According to the publication ‘Good Sex Ed. Sexual Education in Europe’ (2021), sex education based on reliable scientific knowledge contributes to reducing the number of sexually transmitted infections and preventing sexual violence. The aim of our project is to analyse the state of sex education in Poland, in particular the Ministry of Education and Science’s core curriculum and the way it is implemented in Polish schools. We will evaluate the quality of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science for classes in upbringing to family life. We will carry out a survey on the state of sexual education from the perspective of school students, parents and teachers obliged to teach those classes. A report on the situation of sexual education in Poland will be published as part of the project, where we will describe the currently promoted content of sexual education, the content that is incompatible with the current state of knowledge, and the issues that are omitted but should be included in the curriculum. Based on the report, we will develop recommendations for required updates to the curriculum. We will use these recommendations in our advocacy activities with state and local institutions, such as the Ministry of Education and Science, boards of education and educational departments of local government units. The project partner is the Kvenréttindafélag Íslands from Iceland, which advocates for the equal status of women and men, LGBTQIA rights and education without discrimination.