This project aims at the empowerment of people aged 60+ living in the Podkarpackie Province, particularly in the city and the rural municipality of Dębica, as well as equalizing opportunities for them through educational, advisory, sports and cultural activities. Older people are socially excluded or marginalized due to negative stereotypes concerning their professional and social activity. They are treated as infirm and dependent persons. They feel unnecessary, which makes them drop out of social and professional life. Participation in the project helps the elderly overcome obstacles that prevent them from developing passions, interests, and hinder their physical and professional activity. We provide counseling for older people, carry out sessions with a vocational counselor, and purchase them tickets to a swimming pool, gym, cinema and theater. We conduct trainings in the fields of digital education, first aid, senior care and COVID-19 prevention for volunteers engaged in the project. The elderly receive assistance from lawyers, counselors, an employment agent, and a psychologist. Thanks to this project the feeling of loneliness and social isolation of seniors will decrease, as well as their digital exclusion. They will spend their time more actively, their ability to function independently will improve and their motivation to seek employment will increase.