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Radom PES?-YES!

Project Promoter: Fundacja Radomskie
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 27 809,00 EUR
Partners: Łomżyński klaster ekonomii społecznej
Duration time: 01.11.2021-01.11.2022

The aim of the project is to strengthen cooperation between social economy entities (PES) and to disseminate tools and procedures for democratic decision-making. With this project we would like to make social economy entities more recognisable in the local community. The challenge we face is the lack of strong representation of those entities, which through common actions could influence local policies, as well as the lack of integration and cooperation between social economy entities and municipalities. The problem is also the lack of positive image of ‘PES’ in the local space and low activity of residents who are reluctant to engage in voluntary activities. As part of the project, we carry out a social campaign to increase the engagement of residents. We conduct debates using the World Café methodology, networking meetings, educational seminars, happenings and study visits. Both social economy entities and citizens will benefits from the project activities, thanks to the opportunities of getting to know each other and receiving support. Project beneficiaries are people who want to have an impact on local policies, social leaders, representatives of social economy entities, volunteers, local governments and the local community of the Radom sub-region. Our partner is the Łomża Social Economy Cluster – an entity with experience in cooperation with municipalities. The Łomża Social Economy Cluster operates since 2013. It gathers 16 social economy entities.