The aim of the project is to reduce the phenomenon of violence against the elderly by developing and disseminating a pathway, conducting an educational campaign and implementing support for seniors experiencing violence and their families. According to the Statistics Poland, at the end of 2019, the percentage of people over 60 years old was almost 25% of the population. In 10 years it will increase by another 5%. According to a report of a nationwide survey conducted by the Polish Academy of Sciences (2015-2019), approx. 15% of seniors experience physical, psychological, economic or sexual violence. Violence against the elderly is a multidimensional and very severe phenomenon, yet it is relatively under-researched. According to WHO, the data is underestimated by 80%. As part of the project, we publicise the problems of the lack of an adequate senior citizens’ policy in Poland, the inefficiency of the care system, and the lack of support for senior citizens experiencing violence. We monitor the situation of senior citizens, and undertake interventions that will improve the quality of life, safety and independence of senior citizens. Together with our partner, the Community Council of Senior Citizens, we strengthen older people in crisis. As part of the project, a Pathway of Work with Older People Involved in Violence is developed. Workshops on dealing with violent situations are held. We organise self-help groups, and provide specialist support. We publish the ‘Generation’ magazine dedicated to the subject of violence and exclusion of seniors. We hold an educational conference promoting the Path of Working with Older People Involved in Violence. We carry out a professional educational and social campaign in defence of senior citizens’ rights. The project will contribute to increasing the knowledge of the community and employees of public institutions on the problems related to the phenomenon of violence against the elderly.