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Naturally Connected

Project Promoter: Fundacja Przyjaciele Czterech Łap
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 28 000,00 EUR
Urząd Miejski w Barlinku
Gmina Choszczno Urząd Gminy Banie
Urząd Gminy i Miasta w Goleniowie
Sołectwo Sulimierz
Duration time: 1.10.2021-31.03.2023

In this project, we initiate to develop local policies on animal and environmental protection in cooperation with local governments, cooperatives, housing communities and residents. We conduct a social campaign covering 5 topics: (1) ‘How Friends of the Four Paws Work’– we present members of our team and their activities; (2) ‘Community Cats in Towns and Villages’ – we talk about cats living outdoors, their positive impact on pest control and ways to take care of them; (3) ‘Birds and Insects – Therapeutic Helpers – we show the benefits that birds and insects bring to the environment and to humans; (4) ‘Animal in Need – we tell you what to do if you find a lost dog, injured cat, etc.; (5) ‘Wildlife Among Us’ – we advise on how to deal with wild animals, e.g. foxes, beavers, hedgehogs. We place posters and banners in public space and make them available online: in social media, local press and on Municipalities and Commune Council’s websites. We invite the residents of partner municipalities and villages to develop the green space in their localities to make it more animal-friendly. We install Cat Stops, i.e. wooden roofed boxes integrated into the space of the neighbourhoods, as well as Bird and Insect Stations. We encourage residents to give them original names, and we conduct outdoor workshops. We review existing municipal, cooperative, and community documents on the aforementioned topics, and then present our comments and recommendations.