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Litlle action – big importance

Project Promoter: Koło Gospodyń Wiejskich w Łapiczach ,,Łapiczanki"
Proposal: 1st thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 31 510,00 EUR
Partners: The Rural Shall Live (Iceland)
Duration time: 30.10.2021-27.03.2023

In this project we want to encourage citizens to participate in neighbourhood activities aimed at environmental protection and building civil society. The main source of income in the Krynki Municipality is agriculture. The region faces high unemployment and a significant proportion of the inhabitants is at risk of social exclusion. Poor infrastructure makes it difficult to meet the basic needs of life. Availability of local products is also limited. Young people do not see a chance for a decent life for themselves and plan to leave for economic reasons. The crisis caused by the pandemic and the situation on the Polish-Belarusian border (from September 2021) is affecting the most vulnerable people, who are at risk of social exclusion. As a Rural Housewives’ Club, we have established cooperation with a similar organisation in Iceland, from which we learn how to conduct local activities. We set up home orchards with old varieties of fruit trees and bushes. We conduct classes for young people on climate protection. We draw the attention of local authorities and officials to the problem of agriculture’s impact on the natural environment. This is the first such activity in our area. We believe that the project will activate the inhabitants and contribute to a better future for our children and grandchildren.