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Let’s free the lakes

Project Promoter: Nasza Szczycieńska Ziemia
Proposal: 2nd thematic call
Co-financed from the program: 22 998,12 EUR
Partners: None
Duration time: 01.11.2022-30.10.2023

The project is a response to the diagnosed problem of illegal development of river and lake shorelines in the Warmia-Masuria Province. Rivers and lakes are the greatest asset of Warmia-Masuria that distinguish the region from others. Unfortunately, coastal areas are often developed illegally by owners of properties adjacent to water bodies. This makes it impossible for residents, anglers or tourists to have free access to water areas, which by law are public waters. According to information from the Olsztyn Branch of the Supreme Audit Office, inspections of compliance with the ban on fencing access to lakes accounted for only 11 per cent of all inspections carried out. The aim of the project is to increase citizen activism in defending lakes in Warmia-Masuria region by equipping them with the necessary tools for self-organisation. As part of the project, we conduct information meetings and workshops to provide people with legal information and help them prepare applications to relevant institutions. We show how to enforce the law to remove obstacles to the use of river and lake shorelines. We record short pieces of advice in the form of a video blog. The project will create a space for dialogue with local authorities and strengthen social capital in the region. Citizens will gain knowledge of water law and other legislation, so they will use the information provided to improve their immediate environment and become directly involved in the law-making process.